
No. Authors Title Journal Year
124 X. Liu, X. Li, S. A. Ponomarenko, F. Wang, X. Peng, Y. Cai, C. Liang Unlocking Secure Optical Multiplexing with Spatially Incoherent Light Laser Photonics Rev. 2025 [PDF]
123 T. Cao, S. Jin, Q. Chen, P. Ma, S. A. Ponomarenko, Y. Cai, C. Liang, J. Liu Diffraction-free partially coherent Pearcey beam [Editor's Pick] Opt. Express 2025 [PDF]
122 P. Amiri, S. Rasouli, D. Hebri, S. A. Ponomarenko Talbot-effect-based multiplication of Laguerre–Gaussian beams with non-zero radial indices: From theory to experimental realization Opt. Commun. 2025 [PDF]
121 L. Yao, H. Zhang, Y. Yuan, Y. Gao, C. Liang, S. A. Ponomarenko, Y Cai High‐Fidelity Information Transmission Through the Turbulent Atmosphere Utilizing Partially Coherent Cylindrical Vector Beams Advanced Photonics Research 2024 [PDF]
120 X. Li, S. Bashiri, V. Ponomarenko, Y. Wang, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko Multi-function vortex array radar Appl. Phys. Lett. 2024 [PDF]
119 S. Alhadlaq, and S. A. Ponomarenko Emergence of extreme events from randomly chirped condensate Phys. Lett. A 2024 [PDF]
118 T. Gao, X. Liu, Q. Chen, S. A. Ponomarenko, Y. Cai, and C. Liang Prime number factorization and degree of coherence of speckled light beams Opt. Lett. 2024 [PDF]
117 X. Li, S. Bashiri, Y. Ma, C. Liang, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko, and Z. Xu Perfect correlation vortices [Editor's Pick] Opt. Lett. 2024 [PDF]
116 S. A. Ponomarenko, and D. Hebri Perfect space–time vortices Opt. Lett. 2024 [PDF]
115 X. Li, Y. Wang, X. Liu, Y. Ma, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko, X. Liu Deep learning and random light structuring ensure robust free-space communications Appl. Phys. Lett. 2024 [PDF]
114 M. Samadzadeh, S. Rasouli, D. Hebri, S. A. Ponomarenko Multiplying vortex beams by diffraction from almost periodic structures: Theory and experiment Appl. Phys. Lett. 2024 [PDF]
113 X. Li, X. Liu, Q. Wu, J. Zeng, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko, C. Liang Prime number factorization with light beams carrying orbital angular momentum APL Photon. 2024 [PDF]
112 D. Hebri, S. Rasouli, S. A. Ponomarenko Fourier reciprocity between generalized elliptical Gaussian and elegant elliptical Hermite-Gaussian beams carrying orbital angular momenta J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2024 [PDF]
111 Q. Chen, M. Hajati, X. Liu, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko, C. Liang Experimental realization of Airy beams on incoherent background Opt. Laser Technol. 2024 [PDF]
110 X. Liu, C. Liang, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko Axial correlation revivals and number factorization with structured random waves Phys. Rev. Applied 2023 [PDF]
109 S. A. Ponomarenko, J. Zhang, G. P. Agrawal Goos-Hanchen shift at a temporal boundary Phys. Rev. A 2022 [PDF]
108 Z. Xu, X. Liu, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko, C. Liang Structurally stable beams in the turbulent atmosphere: dark and antidark beams on incoherent background [Invited] [Editor's Pick] J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2022 [PDF]
107 S. A. Ponomarenko Classical entanglement of twisted random light propagating through atmospheric turbulence [Invited] J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2022 [PDF]
106 S. A. Ponomarenko Twist phase and classical entanglement of partially coherent light [Editor's Pick] Opt. Lett. 2021 [PDF]
105 C. Liang, X. Liu, Z. Xu, F. Wang, W. Wen, S. A. Ponomarenko, Y. Cai, P. Ma Perfect optical coherence lattices Appl. Phys. Lett. 2021 [PDF]
104 M. Hajati, V. Sieben, S. A. Ponomarenko Airy beams on incoherent background Opt. Lett. 2021 [PDF]
103 C. Liang, S. A. Ponomarenko, F. Wang, Y. Cai Temporal Boundary Solitons and Extreme Superthermal Light Statistics Phys. Rev. Lett. 2021 [PDF]
102 L. Hall, S. A. Ponomarenko, A. Abouraddy Temporal Talbot effect in free space Opt. Lett. 2021 [PDF]
101 Y. Chen, A. Norrman, S. A. Ponomarenko, A. T. Friberg Spin density in partially coherent surface-plasmon-polariton vortex fields Phys. Rev. A 2021 [PDF]
100 J.-F. Wang, Z. D. Chen, C. Peng, J. Li, S. A. Ponomarenko Development of the Recursive Convolutional CFS-PML for the Wave-Equation-Based Meshless Method IEEE Trans. Antenna Propag. 2021 [PDF]
99 L. A. Hall, M. Yessenov, S. A. Ponomarenko, A. F. Abouraddy The space–time Talbot effect APL Photonics 2021 [PDF]
98 D. Peng, Z. Huang, Y. Liu, Y. Chen, F. Wang, S. A. Ponomarenko, Y. Cai Optical coherence encryption with structured random light PhotoniX 2021 [PDF]
97 Y. Shen, H. Sun, D. Peng, Y. Chen, Q. Cai, D. Wu, F. Wang, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko Optical image reconstruction in 4f imaging system: Role of spatial coherence structure engineering Appl. Phys. Lett. 2021 [PDF]
96 M. Yessenov, L. A. Hall, S. A. Ponomarenko, A. F. Abouraddy Veiled Talbot Effect Phys. Rev. Lett. 2020 [PDF]
95 X. Li, S. A. Ponomarenko, Z. Xu, F. Wang, Y. Cai, C. Liang Universal self-similar asymptotic behavior of optical bump spreading in random medium atop incoherent background: reply Opt. Lett. 2020 [PDF]
94 Y. Chen, A. Norrman, S. A. Ponomarenko, A. T. Friberg Optical coherence and electromagnetic surface waves Progress in Optics 2020 [PDF]
93 Z. Huang, Y. Chen, F. Wang, S. A. Ponomarenko, Y. Cai Measuring Complex Degree of Coherence of Random Light Fields with Generalized Hanbury Brown–Twiss Experiment Phys. Rev. Applied 2020 [PDF]
92 H. Ni, C. Liang, F. Wang, Y. Chen, S. A. Ponomarenko, Y. Cai Non-Gaussian statistics of partially coherent light in atmospheric turbulence Chinese Phys. B 2020 [PDF]
91 Z. Xu, X. Li, X. Liu, S. A. Ponomarenko, Y. Cai, C. Liang Vortex preserving statistical optical beams Opt. Express 2020 [PDF]
90 X. Li, S. A. Ponomarenko, Z. Xu, F. Wang, Y. Cai, C. Liang Universal self-similar asymptotic behavior of optical bump spreading in random medium atop incoherent background Opt. Lett. 2020 [PDF]
89 Z. Xu, X. Liu, Y. Chen, F. Wang, L. Liu, Y. E. Monfared, S. A. Ponomarenko, Y. Cai, C. Liang Self-healing properties of Hermite-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beams Opt. Express 2020 [PDF]
88 C. Liang, S. A. Ponomarenko, F. Wang, Y. Cai Rogue waves, self-similar statistics, and self-similar intermediate asymptotics Phys. Rev. A 2019 [PDF]
87 Y. Chen, A. Norrman, S. A. Ponomarenko, A. T. Friberg Partially coherent surface plasmon polariton vortex fields Phys. Rev. A 2019 [PDF]
86 H. Wang, X. Peng, L. Liu, F. Wang, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko Generating bona fide twisted Gaussian Schell-model beams Opt. Lett. 2019 [PDF]
85 H. Mao, Y. Chen, C. Liang, L. Chen, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko Self-steering partially coherent vector beams Opt. Express 2019 [PDF]
84 S. Daniel, K. Saastamoinen, S. A. Ponomarenko, Ari T. Friberg Scattering of partially coherent surface plasmon polariton fields by metallic nanostripe Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications 2019 [PDF]
83 X. Zhu, F. Wang, C. Zhao, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko Experimental realization of dark and antidark diffraction-free beams Opt. Lett. 2019 [PDF]
82 Y. E. Monfared, S. A. Ponomarenko Extremely nonlinear carbon-disulfide-filled photonic crystal fiber with controllable dispersion Opt. Mat. 2019 [PDF]
81 C. Liang, X. Zhu, C. Mi, X. Peng, F. Wang, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko High-quality partially coherent Bessel beam array generation: erratum Opt. Lett. 2018 [PDF]
80 Y. Chen, A. Norrman, S. A. Ponomarenko, A. T. Friberg Coherence lattices in surface plasmon polariton fields Opt. Lett. 2018 [PDF]
79 C. Liang, X. Zhu, C. Mi, X. Peng, F. Wang, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko High-quality partially coherent Bessel beam array generation Opt. Lett. 2018 [PDF]
78 Y. Chen, A. Norrman, S. A. Ponomarenko, A. T. Friberg Partially coherent axiconic surface plasmon polariton fields Phys. Rev. A 2018 [PDF]
77 H. Mao, Y. Chen, S. A. Ponomarenko, A.T. Friberg Coherent pseudo-mode representation of partially coherent surface plasmon polaritons Opt. Lett. 2018 [PDF]
76 C. Liang, G. Wu, F. Wang, W. Li, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko Overcoming the classical Rayleigh diffraction limit by controlling two-point correlations of partially coherent light sources Opt. Express 2017 [PDF]
75 Y. E. Monfared, S. A. Ponomarenko Non-Gaussian statistics of extreme events in stimulated Raman scattering: The role of coherent memory and source noise Phys. Rev. A 2017 [PDF]
74 Y. Chen, A. Norrman, S. A. Ponomarenko, A. T. Friberg Plasmon coherence determination by nanoscattering Opt. Lett. 2017 [PDF]
73 F. Che, S. A. Ponomarenko, M. Cada, N. Nguyen-Huu High Sensitivity Integrated Visible to Mid-Infrared Nonlinear Plasmonic Sensor IEEE Photonics Journal 2017 [PDF]
72 C. Liang, C. Mi, F. Wang, C. Zhao, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko Vector optical coherence lattices generating controllable far-field beam profiles Opt. Express 2017 [PDF]
71 F. Che, S. Grabtchak, W. M. Whelan, S. A. Ponomarenko, M. Cada Relative SHG measurements of metal thin films: Gold, silver, aluminum, cobalt, chromium, germanium, nickel, antimony, titanium, titanium nitride, tungsten, zinc, silicon and indium tin oxide Results in Physics 2017 [PDF]
70 Y. E. Monfared, S. A. Ponomarenko Non-Gaussian statistics and optical rogue waves in stimulated Raman scattering Opt. Express 2017 [PDF]
69 Y. Chen, S. A. Ponomarenko, Y. Cai Self-steering partially coherent beams Sci. Rep. 2017 [PDF]
68 X. Liu, F. Wang, L. Liu, Y. Chen, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko Complex degree of coherence measurement for classical statistical fields Opt. Lett. 2017 [PDF]
67 A. Norrman, S. A. Ponomarenko, A. T. Friberg Partially coherent surface plasmon polaritons Europhys. Lett. 2016 [PDF]
66 F. Che, S. A. Ponomarenko, M. Cada Giant spectral transformations in plasmon-enhanced difference-frequency generation with polychromatic light J. Opt. 2016 [PDF]
65 F. Wang, Y. Chen, X. Liu, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko Self-reconstruction of partially coherent beams scattered by opaque obstacles Opt. Express 2016 [PDF]
64 X. Liu, J. Yu, Y. Chen, Y. Cai, S. A. Ponomarenko Propagation of optical coherence lattices in the turbulent atmosphere Opt. Lett. 2016 [PDF]
63 Y. Chen, S. A. Ponomarenko, Y. Cai Experimental generation of optical coherence lattices Appl. Phys. Lett. 2016 [PDF]
62 Y. E. Monfared, S. A. Ponomarenko Slow light generation vis stimulated Brillouin scattering in liquid-filled photonic crystal fibers Optik 2016 [PDF]
61 L. Mokhtarpour, S. A. Ponomarenko Fluctuating pulse propagation in resonant nonlinear media: self-induced transparency random phase soliton formation Opt. Express 2015 [PDF]
60 S. Yang, S. A. Ponomarenko, Z. Chen Coherent pseudo-mode decomposition of a new partially coherent source class Opt. Lett. 2015 [PDF]
59 S. A. Ponomarenko Self-imaging of partially coherent light in graded-index media Opt. Lett. 2015 [PDF]
58 L. Ma, S. A. Ponomarenko Free-space propagation of optical coherence lattices and periodicity reciprocity Opt. Express 2015 [PDF]
57 L. Ma, S. A. Ponomarenko Optical coherence gratings and lattices Opt. Lett. 2014 [PDF]
56 S. Yang, Z. Chen, Y. Yu, S. Ponomarenko On Numerical Dispersion of the Radial Point Interpolation Meshless Method IEEE Microw. Wireless Comp. Lett. 2014 [PDF]
55 S. Yang, Y. Yu, Z. Chen, S. Ponomarenko Time Domain Collocation Meshless Method with Local Radial Basis Functions for Transient Electromagnetic Analysis IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 2014 [PDF]
54 S. Yang, Z. Chen, Y. Yu, S. Ponomarenko A Divergence-Free Meshless Method Based on the Vector Basis Functions for Transient Electromagnetic Analysis IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn. 2014 [PDF]
53 L. Wang, S. A. Ponomarenko, Z. D. Chen Spectral coherence anomalies Opt. Lett. 2013 [PDF]
52 L. Wang, F. Che, S. A. Ponomarenko, Z. D. Chen Plasmon-enhanced spectral changes in sum-frequency generation with polychromatic light Opt. Express 2013 [PDF]
51 S. Yang, Z. D. Chen, Y. J. Yu, S. Ponomarenko Efficient Implementation of the Divergence Preserved ADI-FDTD Method IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propag. Lett. 2013 [PDF]
50 L. Mokhtarpour, S. A. Ponomarenko Ultrashort pulse coherence properties in coherent linear amplifiers J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2013 [PDF]
49 S. Haghgoo, S. A. Ponomarenko Optical shocks in resonant media: The role of inhomogeneous broadening Opt. Commun. 2013 [PDF]
48 L. Mokhtarpour, S. A. Ponomarenko Complex area correlation theorem for statistical pulses in coherent linear absorbers Opt. Lett. 2012 [PDF]
47 L. Mokhtarpour, S. A. Ponomarenko Partially coherent self-similar pulses in resonant linear absorbers Opt. Express 2012 [PDF]
46 S. Haghgoo, S. A. Ponomarenko Self-induced transparency quadratic solitons Opt. Express 2012 [PDF]
45 S. Haghgoo, S. A. Ponomarenko Shape-invariant pulses in resonant linear absorbers Opt. Lett. 2012 [PDF]
44 S. A. Ponomarenko Degree of phase-space separability of statistical pulses Opt. Express 2012 [PDF]
43 S. A. Ponomarenko Complex Gaussian representation of statistical pulses Opt. Express 2011 [PDF]
42 S. Haghgoo, S. A. Ponomarenko Self-similar pulses in coherent linear amplifiers Opt. Express 2011 [PDF]
41 S. A. Ponomarenko, S. Haghgoo Self-similarity and optical kinks in resonant nonlinear media Phys. Rev. A, Rapid Communication 2010 [PDF]
40 S. A. Ponomarenko, S. Haghgoo Spatial optical similaritons in conservative nonintegrable systems Phys. Rev. A, Rapid Communication 2010 [PDF]
39 M. Qasymeh, S. Ponomarenko, M. Cada Ultrashort pulse polarization control in silicon waveguides Opt. Express 2009 [PDF]
38 R. Borghi, F. Gori, S. A. Ponomarenko On a class of electromagnetic diffraction free beams J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2009 [PDF]
37 M. Li, S. A. Ponomarenko, M. Qasymeh, M. Cada Electronic control of soliton power transfer in silicon nanocrystal waveguides Opt. Express 2008 [PDF]
36 M. Qasymeh, M. Cada, S. Ponomarenko, J. Pistora Application of the DC-Electric Field Assistance to Optical Multistability Int. J. Microwave and Opt. Tech. 2008 [PDF]
35 M. Qasymeh, M. Cada, S. A. Ponomarenko Quadratic Electro-Optic Kerr Effect: Applications to Photonic Devices IEEE, J. Quant. Electron. 2008 [PDF]
34 S. A. Ponomarenko, G. P. Agrawal Phase space quality factor for ultrashort pulsed beams Opt. Lett. 2008 [PDF]
33 S. A. Ponomarenko, G. P. Agrawal Nonlinear interaction of two or more similaritons in loss- and dispersion-managed fibers J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 2008 [PDF]
32 S. A. Ponomarenko, W. Huang, M. Cada Dark and antidark diffraction-free beams Opt. Lett. 2007 [PDF]
31 W. Huang, S. A. Ponomarenko, M. Cada Polarization changes of partially coherent pulses propagating in optical fibers J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2007 [PDF]
30 S. A. Ponomarenko, G. P. Agrawal Optical similaritons in nonlinear waveguide amplifiers Opt. Lett. 2007 [PDF]
29 S. A. Ponomarenko, G. P. Agrawal Interactions of chirped and chirp-free similaritons in fiber amplifiers Opt. Express 2007 [PDF]
28 S. A. Ponomarenko, M. E. Sherrill, D. P. Kilcrease, G. Csanak Statistical mean-field theory of finite quantum systems: canonical ensemble formulation J. Phys. A 2006 [PDF]
27 S. A. Ponomarenko, G. P. Agrawal Do Solitonlike Self-Similar Waves Exist in Nonlinear Optical Media? Phys. Rev. Lett. 2006 [PDF]
26 S. A. Ponomarenko, G. P. Agrawal Linear optical bullets Opt. Commun. 2006 [PDF]
25 S. A. Ponomarenko, H. Roychowdhury, E.Wolf Physical Significance of Complete Spatial Coherence of Optical Fields Phys. Lett. A 2005 [PDF]
24 H. Roychowdhury, S. A. Ponomarenko, E. Wolf Changes in polarization of partially coherent electromagnetic beams propagating through the turbulent atmosphere J. Mod. Opt. 2005 [PDF]
23 H. Roychowdhury, S. A. Ponomarenko, E. Wolf Changes in polarization of partially coherent electromagnetic beams propagating through the turbulent atmosphere J. Mod. Opt. 2005 [PDF]
22 J. Ellis, A. Dogariu, S. Ponomarenko, E. Wolf Degree of polarization of statistically stationary electromagnetic fields Opt. Commun. 2005 [PDF]
21 S. A. Ponomarenko, N. M. Litchinitser, G. P. Agrawal Theory of incoherent solitons: Beyond the mean-field approximation Phys. Rev. E, Rapid Communication 2004 [PDF]
20 J. Ellis, A. Dogariu, S. Ponomarenko, E. Wolf Correlation matrix of a completely polarized, statistically stationary electromagnetic field Opt. Lett. 2004 [PDF]
19 S. A. Ponomarenko, G. P. Agrawal Asymmetric incoherent vector solitons Phys. Rev. E 2004 [PDF]
18 S. A. Ponomarenko, G. P. Agrawal, E. Wolf Energy spectrum of nonstationary ensembles of pulses Opt. Lett. 2004 [PDF]
17 S. A. Ponomarenko Quantum harmonic oscillator revisited: A Fourier transform approach Am. J. Phys. 2004 [PDF]
16 S. A. Ponomarenko, E. Wolf The spectral degree of coherence of fully spatially coherent electromagnetic beams Opt. Commun. 2003 [PDF]
15 G. V. Bogatyryova, C. V. Felde, P. V. Polyanskii, S. A. Ponomarenko, M. S. Soskin, E. Wolf Partially coherent vortex beams with a separable phase Opt. Lett. 2003 [PDF]
14 G. S. Agarwal, S. A. Ponomarenko Minimum-correlation mixed quantum states Phys. Rev. A 2003 [PDF]
13 S. A. Ponomarenko, E. Wolf Solution to the inverse scattering problem for strongly fluctuating random media using partially coherent light Opt. Lett. 2002 [PDF]
12 S. A. Ponomarenko, E. Wolf Spectral anomalies in a Fraunhofer diffraction pattern Opt. Lett. 2002 [PDF]
11 S. A. Ponomarenko, J-J. Greffet, E. Wolf The diffusion of partially coherent beams in turbulent media Opt. Commun. 2002 [PDF]
10 S. A. Ponomarenko Linear superposition principle for partially coherent solitons Phys. Rev. E, Rapid Communication 2002 [PDF]
9 S. A. Ponomarenko, E. Wolf Universal structure of field correlations within a fluctuating medium Phys. Rev. E 2001 [PDF]
8 S. A. Ponomarenko Twisted Gaussian Schell-model solitons Phys. Rev. E 2001 [PDF]
7 S. A. Ponomarenko, E. Wolf Correlations in an open quantum system and associated uncertainty relations Phys. Rev. A 2001 [PDF]
6 S. A. Ponomarenko, E. Wolf Effective spatial and angular correlations in beams of any state of coherence and an associated phase-space product Opt. Lett. 2001 [PDF]
5 S. A. Ponomarenko A class of partially coherent beams carrying optical vortices J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2001 [PDF]
4 S. A. Ponomarenko, E. Wolf Light beams with minimum phase-space product Opt. Lett. 2000 [PDF]
3 S. A. Ponomarenko, A. V. Shchegrov Spectral changes of light produced by scattering from disordered anisotropic media Phys. Rev. E 1999 [PDF]
2 S. A. Ponomarenko, E. Wolf Coherence properties of light in Young's interference pattern formed with partially coherent light Opt. Commun. 1999 [PDF]
1 S. K. Nemirovskii, S. A. Ponomarenko Elimination of the fast mode in hydrodynamics of superfluid turbulence Czech. J. Phys. 1996 [PDF]